Our Wraps

Mixed Wax Wrap – Gift Pack


Colours and Patterns Random selection of multi-coloured and patterned fabrics as displayed

Wherever you would use clingfilm – think of using a BeeNaturalWaxWrap! You achieve the same goal of keeping your food fresh, but you do not ruin our oceans and rivers!


Store salads, vegetables, fruit and cheese in a Wax Wrap and store it in the fridge. Put a wax wrap over it to keep it fresh. The Wax Wrap protects the food and acts as a natural barrier to the movement of water vapour and keeps it all beautifully fresh in the fridge. So, you can reduce food waste and, as you can use the wax wrap repeatedly, will reduce the impact of single use storage materials like clingfilm.



The pack contains three wraps, each a different pattern and colour, making it easier to identify the contents in your fridge:

  • Small (20cms × 20cms)
  • Medium (25cms × 25cms)
  • Large (30cms × 30cms)


This is the GIFT WRAP option. Ideal as a present on that special occasion!

Additional Information
Colours and Patterns

Random selection of multi-coloured and patterned fabrics as displayed